Transport of Dangerous Goods papers
Ask your Regional Safety Officer
Material Safety Data Sheet / Safety Data Sheets
Hazard identification & product classifications
Supplier education and training
Trucks and trains transporting hazardous materials
Stores where hazardous materials are sold to the public
Workplace where hazardous materials are used
Tell consumers how many items are in the box
Alert workers to important safety information and potential hazards
Help Revenue Canada track the employer's profits
Readily available to anyone using the hazardous material
Supplied by the purchaser of the hazardous material
Routinely updated every year.
Information about first aid and firefighting procedures
The name of the shipping company or deliverer
The name of the supplier or manufacturer
The lower the number, the greater the degree of severity
The higher the number, the greater the degree of severity
The number is irrelevant to how a worker interacts with the chemical
6 months
3 years
Only when significant new data becomes available
Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs
Must include a list of hazardous ingredients
Must include a product identifier and precautionary statements
Are unnecessary, if the container is WHMIS approved
Flammable material
Oxidizing material
Biohazardous infectious material
Dangerously reactive material
Health hazards such as skin irritation or sensitization and eye irritation
Infectious material
Corrosive material
Products that cause chronic health effects and with targeted health effects
Materials causing other toxic effects
Gases under pressure
Products with chronic health effects
Self-reactive substances and mixtures
Materials causing acute toxicity
What is Workplace Violence?
The OHSA defines workplace violence as the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker. It also includes an:
What is Workplace Harassment?
This may include:
What is Workplace Sexual Harassment?
Workplace sexual harassment may include:
It is the responsibility of all workers to be knowledgeable of workplace hazards and to identify, report, correct and eliminate any known hazards, as well as to avoid the creation of any new hazards. If hazards are corrected immediately, we can prevent unnecessary accidents and/or incidents and ensure a safe work environment. We each have a responsibility for our own safety as well as the safety of our co-workers.